Friday, April 17, 2015

Instant Win Games offer a chance to make a quick buck

I don't bother with a lot of contests. While popular sweepstakes can be a ticket to major winnings, they also have unearthly waiting times of six months or more between your entry and the time when the winner is selected and the prizes are awarded.

I like to play instant win games, especially as a substitute for the expensive alternative of scratch off tickets.

There are a lot of them available from innumerable sources, but the ones that I've been using lately are those featured on the websites for tobacco companies, the Kmart and Sears loyalty program Shop Your Way Rewards, the instant game to win an Amazon Gift Card on Survey Monkey Contribute, and the occasional contest on PayPal.

While my winnings have been meager, I don't have to wonder whether I'll win in some far off drawing, because I know that I've either won or not.

So far I've won a few prizes, including a wallet, a lighter, keychains, and some hot sauce, but I also enjoy winning cash, points towards rewards, and digital trophies to show off to my friends.

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