Friday, January 9, 2015

The Party is Over

The food has been eaten, and the party is over. Time to clear out and sweep it all clean.

I've got the day off today, and tomorrow too. My landlord is coming through for a final inspection in 7 or 8 hours, so I need to make sure that the place is spick and span, and maybe even sterile.

I've got a good stock of cleaning supplies together in a box, and I bought a few bottles of Febreeze for the upholstery on my couch and chairs. I'll throw out the scraps and clean all my dishes, sweep and vacuum the floors, and make sure that the things I'm keeping are all in my car before I sleep.

Hopefully I can get a check for the full value of my furniture and deposit from the landlord today, or if not tomorrow.

That is a serious amount of money, about as much as I got from selling my last car.

My budget is sort of strained without it, since I put down my other apartment's rent and deposit from my savings and I didn't working much last month (2 weeks off).

This was initially posted on at

Potluck Dinner

I am really looking forward to joining my potluck dinner with my mates in the library.
Like the vast majority of young people I do not go back home for New Years Eve, instead I hang out with friends and acquaintances and think about what I'm going to be doing for the future.

Since I am a transplant in the city where I live most of my friends are actually just roommates' friends that I have co-opted and used as friends.
They like me apparently.

Or, at least close enough that we can still do favors for each other.
Originally posted on Bubblews at

All Done

Originally posted on Bubblews at :

I've been completely removed from my apartment.
I'm out, no going back, and I'm bringing the last of my things to my new efficiency.
All in all, things could be a lot worse. I'm moving into a stable environment from an unstable one, I am actually going to have slightly lower bills, and the position I'm in will hopefully spur me along to seek new employment.

I just don't know about missing my old perks of living with my roommates.

I had a lot of benefits, since I was friendly with them.

Nights out on the town, days spent in settings I didn't have the social capital to work myself into, and a feel for the culture of a town that working stiffs don't usually have.

Oh well, I'll make friends wherever I go, and I'm only across town. We can still hang out.

I made a bank commission

Originally posted on at

I may have mentioned before but Capital One Bank offers a $50 credit to referrals, as well as a credit to the rendered by person.

It is a method of incentives and rewarding customers that I both admire and really take advantage of.
I am sharing that link all over social media: twitter, facebook, anywhere that I can put it.
The best part is that my identity is preserved while I still make money.

I just got a person to sign up today, so I'm happy to get that payment. So all in all I couldn't really be more pleased with it.

A year's Challenge

I have a challenge that I'm going to try this year.

I normally scorn those who attempt to use a trick to save more money, and tell myself that if I just manage the money that I leave in my bank I can probably get better outcomes than the penny stackers and envelope users, but I think that I haven't been giving them a chance.

Therefore, I'm going to do a combination of the change challenge and the 52 week challenge.

The 52 week challenge is an effort to save 1 dollar a week, and an extra dollar each week. That means that by the end of the year you'll be saving 52 dollars a week, but you can start with just saving a dollar.

That isn't interesting enough to me. I'm also going to save all of my change.
Every red or silver coin I get back, is going into a dedicated savings account ASAP

We'll see how it goes, if I have enough at the end of 2015 I'll get a secured credit card to boost my credit score and earn rewards.

Originally this was posted to at this address

Arabic and English Television Networks

I've been advertised at pretty heavily over the past couple of days to sign up for bilingual television broadcasts in Arabic and English.

You spend one hour browsing Al Jazeera and all of a sudden advertisers think that you want to watch Adnan wa Leena and Dexter's Maktabariya in Arabic.

I'm not 100% sure that there is a need for me to be watching Arabic television anyway, I am trying to cut down on standard American television too.

I don't really have the time to be watching TV anyway, I've got a lot of other things on .

Originally written and submitted to at

Another Student Loan Repayment Adjustment

I was able to request an adjustment to my student loan repayment schedule.

Based on my W2 from 2013, I was actually making so little money that based on an Income Based Repayment Plan courtesy of President Obama, I could actually just pay nothing every month and meet federal requirements.

But since I want to still eliminate this debt ASAP, I am going to keep making payments at scale, and try and wipe it out.

The idea behind my method is this: each loan has an attached payment. If I pay off a loan, the payment will disappear, and I'll be able to pay off other loans.

Since my income this year is much bigger than last year, and last year was much bigger than 2013, I will eventually have payments again, and when I do I want the minimums to be low. Just paying extra on them now won't reduce my payments, so removal of the loans by paying them off will be the real way to cut my monthly expenditure on student loans.

Luckily, I have a few low balance loans amounting to well over 10k, so I can do this for several months before I start getting to higher balances to pay.

I originally published this as a post on Bubblews, as seen here: