Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cut your Power Use with a Smart Powerstrip

You may not have been aware that about 75% of the electrical power used by our devices is consumed after they are switched off. Charging capacitors, batteries, and background processes can consume a large quantity of power, and it is necessary to interrupt the flow of electricity to stop that consumption.

You can monitor and cut off power use by using a smart powerstrip, which also serves to protect your electronics from power surges.

Just by plugging your appliances into smart strips and shutting them off entirely when not in use, you could save yourself well over 20 dollars a month, and that adds up to $240 a year or more!

Smart powerstrips will run you approximately 30 dollars online at SmartHomeUSA, but there are many competing products on the market. Evaluate your options and choose what works best for you!

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