Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Tech World is Insular

I consider myself a member of Generation @, the group of people that is really focused in on the news and developments in technology, but it occurs to me that this obsession as a culture and a global generation with tech, in the sense of programming, applications and online activity, is probably not a good thing.

The world is a wide open place full of different kinds of things, and the focus of humanity on the one area of development, electronics and programming, is probably coming at the cost of developments in other areas that are more critical, like food security and sustainability, life science, genetics and mechanical advances.

It is currently a problem for us to house, feed and support structurally all of the people that populate our planet, and this is only going to worsen as time passes and the population grows.

We need another tech boom, but this one can't be online. It's got to happen in the real world.

If you like what you see, check out some other posts that I have written:

It Doesn't Matter What you Do As Long as You Keep Things In Perspective

Supporting Small Business

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